
Minggu, 29 Juni 2008

Nonton FINAL EURO 2008

Nonton EURO 2008 lewat parabola!!

Bagi temen2 yg mau nonton siaran langsung bola EURO menggunakan reciver biasa nech daftar tv lokal punya negara tetangga yang berbaik hati tidak mengacak siarannya di bandingkan dg tv negara kita..

TVTL televisao

2.Symbol Rate:4285


1.Frequency :3784
2.Symbol Rate:7030


1.Frequency :3794
2.Symbol Rate:7030


1.Frequency :3704
2.Symbol Rate:3034
4.Satelit:telestar 10


1.Frequency :3414
2.Symbol Rate:9766

RTP international
1.Frequency :3927
2.Symbol Rate:5630
Minggu, 15 Juni 2008

Unlock nokia s60 code:

Ini adalah cara membuka hp nokia yang menggunakan kode pengaman:

1.Download file ini di
2.Ekstrak file menggunakan winzip di komputer.
3.Paste file yang di ekstrak thc-nokia-unlock.mdl di mmc di folder system/recogs

4.Pasang mmc ke hp nyalakan sekitar 2 menit

5.Matikan hp lepas mmc
6.Hidupkan hp tanpa mmc

7.Hapus folder recogs menggunakan card reader

Slamat mencoba...
Selasa, 03 Juni 2008

Beberapa kode nokia

*#7780# restore pengaturan awal
*#7370# master reset
*#3925538# menghapus wallet
*#7370925538# reset s-60
3+*+tombol panggil+tombol on/off format jari2!
Kompatibel with
N-gage QD
Senin, 02 Juni 2008

Cara mengitung berat badan Ideal [CMB2I]

1. Tinggi badan (-) 100cm
2. Di kali ( x 90%)
3. Hasilnya berat badan yg Ideal untuk tubuh anda (kg)

Example tinggi saya 169cm dan berat badan saya 50kg maka:
1. 169cm-100cm=69cm
2. 69cm x 90%=62.1kg

So berat ideal tubuh saya 62.1kg!

Silahkan menghitung berat anda apakah anda sudah ideal, kurus atau over weight!


Should I smile because we are friends or should I cry because I know that's all we will ever be?

I wish band-aids could fix broken hearts....

Missing you isn't what hurts... It's knowing that I once had you, that breaks my heart.

I left a tear drop for you in the ocean, the day you find is the day i'll stop loving you!

Dont say u love me unless u really mean it, cuz i might do something crazy like believe it!!....

hardest thing that you have to deal with everytime you find someone
new, is when you find out that person isn't even interested in you

I look at you, my heart skips 1 beat but later that beat could mean a
lifetime of tears wasted on some thing i knew i could never have!

If love is not a game,then why are there so many players?

Why do you always say you love me when all you do is hurt me?

Broken ankle can be fixed
Broken t.v can be fixed
but my broken heart can not

It's hard enough when the one you love doesn't love you back, but it is even harder to watch him love someone else.

i wish i would have saved
all the tears i've cried
over you so i could
drown u in

Baby, if we're meant to be together forever then why aren't we?

Who do you turn to when the only person who can stop your crying is the one who made you cry?

Sweetheart, I was born the day I met U....

and died the day U left me...

hide my tears when i say your name but the pain in my heart is stil the
same.though i smile and seem carefree theres no1 who misses u more than

i loved you once,
you loved me not,
i loved you twice,
but then i thought,
you dont love me,
and never will,
but even so,
i love you still!!!

A broken heart is like a dog bite. The pain will go away, but the scar will last forever

I'm not supposed to love you.
I'm not supposed to care.
I'm not supposed to live my life wishing u were there.
I'm not supposed to wonder where u r or what u do sorry i just couldn't help myself i fell in love with u.

Nothing is more painful than realizing that he meant everything to you but you meant nothing to him

Girl ur clever,girl ur smart,girl ur like a work of art,girl ur sexy,girl ur fine,d only thing u aint is mine!

Why does a rose represent love, when a rose always dies?

Somebody cries in the middle of the night
A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate
When morning comes it'll be too late

never give their hearts away...They play us girls for fools,They wait
until we give our hearts...And then they play it cool.

The sky
without stars:

like sleep
without dreams

like song
without music

like rose
without smell

like face
without smile

like ME
without U!

World is cruel, love is blind....
Lost in sadness, blur in mind....
Heart is broken, flame had died....
Time has passed but why is he...still not MINE???

What's da meaning of life if u cant breathe......
what's da meaning of sight if u cant see...
what's da meaning of love if it dont come true???
what's da meaning of me if there's no you???

I wish I had never met you because then I could go to sleep at night
not knowing there was someone like you out there.

Da worst feelin in da world is to be missing some1 when u sitting right beside them knowing u cant have them.

presence still lingers here and it wont leave me alone. These wounds
wont seem to heal. There's just too much that time canmnot erase...

When you left, my world turned upside down

The hardest thing in life is watching someone you love love someone else.

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours.If it doesn?t, it never was.

I never felt true love until I was with you, and I never felt true sadness until you left me

It takes a minute to meet someone,an hour to like someone,and a day to love someone--but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

©naem the Hacker sad!
Minggu, 01 Juni 2008

Frequency TV

Data Frequency TV

Satelit Palapa
Indosiar 4074 6500 V
RCTI 3772 6519 H
SCTV 3933 6621 H
ANTV 4055 6510 V
TPI 4184 6700 V
MTV, METRO TV, KTV, ch7, MQTV, spacetoon 4078 28125 H
Bali TV 3926 4208 H
MNC 3934 3000 V
TVRI 3765 5555 H
TVone 4054 5631 H 4.055mhz 5640h

Satelit telkom Telkom
Trans tv 4080 6000 H
Tv one 4065/4042 4687 H
Trans 7 4075 6000 H
Jtv 4097 3125 H
TVE 3786 4000 H
Noname 4129 2099 V
Metro papua 4089 3570 H
Telkom 3792 2999 H
TVTL 3773 4284 H
Moslem 4078 28100 H
Tandberg 4129 2099 V
TVRI papua 3797 3905 H

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